"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who had a large field full of sheep, sheep of every kind and many young lambs. The landowner loved his sheep and treasured his young lambs. Yet in his field, he noticed that many sheep had become ill due to disease, and others had wandered off. Behold, many wolves were there also, stealing his sheep and killing his lambs. Therefore he sent his chief shepherd into the field, to call to his sheep and to every lamb, to gather them together. He was told to wait as long as possible, that every sheep who had wandered off might have a chance to hear the call, and return. The shepherd waited patiently, until all who knew the sound of His voice had gathered to him. Then at the time appointed, the shepherd took them out of the field, setting them in safety, apart from all that offends. Then the landowner came forth from his house, in great anger and haste, and slew every ravaging wolf and burned the field with fire, purging it of all disease. Therefore, let those who have ears to hear, hear, and also understand: The Chief Shepherd is sent into the field already, and shall also come and finish His work. Lo, He has entered the field and gathers them together. Yet the sheep do not depart, until The Shepherd calls them through the gate. Then will they be gone from this place."

A Parable Given to Timothy
