The Lord Gives; Behold, The Lord Also Takes Away

Thus says The Lord: "...Behold the final generation, the last of the kingdoms of men - A most arrogant and wicked generation! A people who exalt themselves above their Creator and cast off My gifts, destroying that which I created for them! AN ABOMINABLE PEOPLE WHO DESTROY LIFE WHILE STILL IN THE WOMB!... This is MY earth, of which you have polluted, MY precious lambs, which you have slaughtered! Therefore, because you have made yourselves enemies of God, and speak as though you were God, THUS SAYS THE LORD: I am come to cut down the generation of My wrath, to strike the nations in My hot displeasure! Behold, I shall cause nature to rise up and fight against you, and the earth shall become your enemy, from which there shall be no defense nor hiding place! Behold, perplexity and great fear shall overtake you, and you shall be unable to move, astonished at those things coming to pass upon the earth and in the heavens! For My anger is kindled against you and shall come forth like fire! For The Lord God of Hosts has purposed destruction upon the earth and upon all the cities of men! Behold, wrath overflows My cup and shall proceed like a flood, and you shall all bow down to the slaughter! From the beginning My plans were written and made known. Yet when I called to you, you would not answer! And when I spoke to you, you refused to hear, but continued to do evil in My sight, choosing always those things I hate, casting your lot with the deceiver, holding your heads high as you joined the ranks of the rebellious! EVIL WORKERS! REPROBATE CHILDREN!... Therefore, woe to the peoples of the earth! For The Almighty is coming down to you in the fierceness of His wrath! In haste He shall deliver His people, and with great anger He shall pour out judgment upon the inhabitants of the earth!..."
