THE HOLY SPIRIT - Should we worship the Holy Spirit? Is the Holy Spirit a person? - The Lord Answers

"...For I ask you, where in the Scriptures of Truth is it written to give praise and worship unto the Spirit? For the Spirit is not a person, nor have I called it by name. For to YahuShua alone did I say, “You are My Son; today I have begotten You.” Therefore worship God, offering up praises in the name of The Son, and give thanks. For those who believe in The Son, and also seek to obey Him, receive of My spirit. For it is My hand upon you, guiding you in the way in which you should walk, My voice speaking softly from within, reminding you of that which I have taught you, restoring you to righteousness and life. Yet the power of God moving upon the face of the earth is My spirit also, My will made manifest in the world and among men..." Says The Lord

From The Lord, Our God and Savior
