KEEP WATCH - "For you know not the time of The Lord’s coming"...

"Thus declares The Lord: All your setting of dates shall come to nothing, and all your precise predictions shall fail. For I may take them before or after. For I am God... Behold, the first election is made, the time of bundling passed. Thick clouds have risen in the west, the hard rains have come, and who in all the earth is able to prevent it as it draws near, or hinder it when it arrives? Lo, a mighty wind blows in the east, yet who is aware of it, until it has overtaken them? Therefore, keep watch, for you know not the time of The Lord’s coming - whether it be in the first, or in the second, or in the third watch of the night, you know not the time of His return... You know not the day or the hour. Says The Lord."

Words To Live By... More Words of Wisdom From The Lord, Our God and Savior
