"Therefore, thus declares The Lord God: As surely as the sun sets and night follows, so shall the light of this world be taken. And as a closing door darkens a room, so shall I leave those who remain to all their darkened temples in which they sought to hide themselves.
For I know the thoughts of the mind, and I have heard what their hearts have spoken in secret, saying, “Let us hide from The God of Israel and cast off His Word sent to us. Let us persecute His messengers and cast stones at His prophets, that we may remain at ease in our deceptions. For we shall never be made the fool, nor shall we let any of our words fall to the ground, nor shall we allow any of our works to burn in the Day. Hush now, let us continue in secret, and let us hide the truth from the people concerning our error, lest our congregation depart from us. For we shall continue to wear our pretense as a garment and our false righteousness as a cloak, and we shall wear it well.”
Therefore, because you have brought forth such a great number of false accusations against My prophets, and have utterly rejected this Word which I have spoken to this generation, and because you have endeavored to cover your intentions by pretense and sway My people with many empty words and lofty speeches, and because you have lulled them to sleep by all your vain practices, so too shall I bring forth charges and declare all your wrongdoings before the people!... Behold, I shall bring forth judgment against you, and My words shall strip you naked! Yes, I shall reveal all your secret parts, and you shall walk naked through the streets in that day, shamefully exposed! In that day, humiliation shall be your only garment and death your only hiding place! Therefore, let repentance come forth from your lips and righteous works flow from your hands, as your feet seek to regain the line!
Yet you continue to forsake The Living God, as you cast off My every decree in favor of your own way! You continue to corrupt MY Word and profane MY Commandments! Behold, you justify your sins in the name of Grace, and spit upon My glory everyday! Thus you shall surely be made to pass through the fire, for you have made yourselves fully worthy! - Refinement in the Day of The Lord!
For I know the thoughts of the mind, and I have heard what their hearts have spoken in secret, saying, “Let us hide from The God of Israel and cast off His Word sent to us. Let us persecute His messengers and cast stones at His prophets, that we may remain at ease in our deceptions. For we shall never be made the fool, nor shall we let any of our words fall to the ground, nor shall we allow any of our works to burn in the Day. Hush now, let us continue in secret, and let us hide the truth from the people concerning our error, lest our congregation depart from us. For we shall continue to wear our pretense as a garment and our false righteousness as a cloak, and we shall wear it well.”
Therefore, because you have brought forth such a great number of false accusations against My prophets, and have utterly rejected this Word which I have spoken to this generation, and because you have endeavored to cover your intentions by pretense and sway My people with many empty words and lofty speeches, and because you have lulled them to sleep by all your vain practices, so too shall I bring forth charges and declare all your wrongdoings before the people!... Behold, I shall bring forth judgment against you, and My words shall strip you naked! Yes, I shall reveal all your secret parts, and you shall walk naked through the streets in that day, shamefully exposed! In that day, humiliation shall be your only garment and death your only hiding place! Therefore, let repentance come forth from your lips and righteous works flow from your hands, as your feet seek to regain the line!
Yet you continue to forsake The Living God, as you cast off My every decree in favor of your own way! You continue to corrupt MY Word and profane MY Commandments! Behold, you justify your sins in the name of Grace, and spit upon My glory everyday! Thus you shall surely be made to pass through the fire, for you have made yourselves fully worthy! - Refinement in the Day of The Lord!
Your churches are as stagnant pools,
Which sour My stomach!...
Your doctrines are foul, an awful smell
In My nostrils, and your traditions leave
A bitter taste in My mouth!...
Which sour My stomach!...
Your doctrines are foul, an awful smell
In My nostrils, and your traditions leave
A bitter taste in My mouth!...
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