Regarding the Catholic Church

Thus says The Lord God of Israel, The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of Jacob, The God of all: I AM THE I AM, The Only God. I am The All in All, Maker of all that is Heaven and Earth. I AM. And nothing in all creation exists apart from Me, for even all things have come into being by My voice. For I am YAHUWAH, He who causes to be; even I am He, YAHUSHUA, by whom all things consist.
Yet you, O unholy church of men, have polluted My name! You have departed from The Way, and you have desecrated The Holy Covenant! Behold, you have altogether despised My Word and My Law! For you do always pick the scab and refuse the ointment, a people covered with sores! Thus you shall receive of the curse in full! Says The Lord God. Yes, according to your works, so shall you receive recompense in full, until you are utterly consumed!
From The Lord, Our God and Savior
